Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Office space

As I have stated before we moved into our new home about 6 months ago now. We spent 2 years in the building process and clearing the land and it feels so good to be living here! Anyhow, I gave birth to my son Liam, 1 month after we moved in, and it was during the holidays as well. Needless to say its been busy. I have my own little home office space and I need some budget friendly decor inspiration. Any thoughts?

Xoxo CC


  1. i love the one with the turquoise accents! then if you get sick of it down the road, it won't be a ton of money to re-do! :)

  2. I know I love that one as well! Guess where that came from? Good old Martha! Gotta love her:)

  3. martha always come thru for us ;)


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